Reflection on Mt. 24:42-51
"Stay Awake!" are Jesus' words to his disciples as he is prompting them to be vigilant in the face of the Lord not being as prompt as people would like.
How many of us, when we don't have a person looking over our shoulder, will take the easy way out in our lives. We will give ourselves an excuse that we don't need to follow all of societies rules, from speeding as we drive since the cop won't catch us to not reporting all of our income on our taxes since the government makes too much money anyway?
God is always watching over us. Yet, as disciples, are we willing to listen to challenging words of Jesus, or do we only follow the words that we like?
Small indiscretions in our lives make less sensitive to greater sins. Are you letting yourself off to easy? Are you saying to yourself, "No one will see this." Pray to the Holy Spirit that you will be honest to yourself and "Stay Awake!"
Fr. Johnathan