You've Met the Osbournes, Now Meet the Amburns!

Perhaps you've passed by a Catholic Church, or saw a neighbor disappear for an hour on Sunday and wondered: Is there more to the Catholic faith than an hour on Sunday? What does it have to do with me?

You've possibly met the Osbournes. Now meet the Amburns. Bryan, Angie and family are parishioners at St. George Parish in Erie, Pennsylvania. They're not perfect, nor do they profess to be, but they share with us their real, comical, moving adventure in asking the big questions in life, seeking happiness... and more fully finding it in their Catholic faith.

Share the journey with us. After viewing this short movie (only 11 minutes) as an individual or family, please join us in simply discussing these questions:

1) What does your Catholic faith mean to you? How important is your faith?
2) Does Jesus Christ guide your everyday life?
3) What are the implications for your happiness?
4) In what ways can you more fully live for Jesus Christ?

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This video was developed by Imago Dei Video Productions and Image Trinity. St. George Parish is host to Made2Worship, a monthly, regional movement of people seeking to more fully discover and live the great adventure of life in Jesus Christ. Join other families in the 30/3 Family Challenge.